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2021 Canadian Amateur National Spaniel Championship FT Winner!!

Congratulations to Andre & Judy!!

We are so excited for our friend/client for winning the Canadian Amateur National Championship with Judy & getting a CM with Minnie. We are so over the moon happy for them!! Judy & Minnie were with us for training and a little longer than expected due to Covid, so onward with their training. They had great times in the Grouse woods with us and then plenty of training down in Georgia. They were happy about that, there was no snow!! Before Covid hit Andre and Cindy were able to come down to Georgia to see their dogs and take part in our Training Seminar. At that point they were able to see how the girls were doing with Todd's training. I would also like to thank Andre for teaching my dog Dixie all about popcorn...LOL Ha! She now is a pest when the popcorn comes out!

I hope y'all have wall space for that big blue ribbon!!

Enjoy the moment!

Congratulations To Andre & Minnie For Receiving A CM

2021 Canadian Amateur National Spaniel Championship


We have been very blessed to have such great dogs come through Craney Hill who have been successful in the field not only for us but for our clients.

2017 National Open Hight Point with Dudley

2018 National Open Championship Winner with Riot & Dudley gets a CM

2019 Betsey Wins with Riot at the Canadian Amateur National Championship

2020 National Amateur Championship Scott and Dibbs get a CM

2021 Andre wins the Canadian Amateur National with Judy & gets a CM with Minnie

Thank you all for letting us work with you and your dogs!

Todd & Christina



"We all have expectations to different degrees. Our spaniel field trial and hunt test expectations at Craney Hill Kennel are extremely high for our dogs. The theory is that if we set our standard to an almost unattainable level, when we fall short our dogs will still be very talented animals. I cannot express to you how difficult it is to keep a high standard. This is not because we are kennel blind…quite the opposite. It is hard to keep such a high standard because the standard of the public is so low that it becomes difficult to continually explain why you can or cannot do something."

Todd Agnew


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