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Cocker Puppies & More!!

Another Training Seminar In The Books!

Spaniel Training Seminar is in the books! It was a long weekend and a lot of material but thank you to the participants for working hard and having an open mind to learning. We covered a lot of material that was illustrated in our training manual but can often times seem complicated. The demonstrations at the seminar cleared a lot of it up for many just get home and start to apply it! Thank you to everyone again. It is always educational to us seeing new dogs, people and thoughts.

Andrew & Peach

Notes From Andrew About Our Seminar

I just got back from the Young Dog Foundation Seminar (Phase 1 and 2) with my dog. I am convinced that this is the most efficient way to learn. I observed the step-by-step process in chronological order, asked questions when needed, and received individualized feedback about my dog's behavior in that process. I was extremely pleased with the seminar, and I have absolute clarity about the next steps to take with my dog. I was also able to handle one of the advanced Craney Hill dogs on the Stix drill. WOW! I still can't stop smiling about it.

Bernie & Gretka

Notes From Marie About Our Seminar

I read Todd's book (which is very eyeopening) but after going to the Foundation Seminar (Phase 1 & 2) it was a game changer for me and I am so grateful. I had been looking for a thorough and kinder method of training and this is it. The weekend was spent seeing and participating. Todd is an excellent teacher and answered all my questions. I've come home and been 'playing games' with my dog all week. The amazing part is how quickly my dog (who is a raw nerve) is responding. Her confidence is growing as my re-educate myself. I look forward to getting back to Craney Hill. I agree with Andrew. I can't stop smiling!!

To find out more information about our Seminars click here.


Ask The Trainer!

The forum is comprised of training articles, video clips and pictures we are posting to stimulate conversation. It also allows for you to post topics for discussion. Understand, this is not a "cheap" way for us to help you train your dog. It is a platform for our community of followers and clients to discuss the Craney Hill Method and all that it entails. As issues arise in your implementation of the method, you can post questions for other members to help you in the process. We will be active participants; however, this is the community's forum. We will not be an open/endless resource so if that is what you are looking for you should look to YouTube.

The forum is an excellent adjunct to the training manual! Unlike the training manual or our training seminars, we will be able to get into the nuances and very detailed expansion of what we do. The manual and seminars are the "nuts & bolts" of the Craney Hill Method. You and your dog are likely to progress differently. This is where the training forum can help!

For More Information Click Here.


Cocker Puppies!!

The cocker puppies and Bailee are doing fantastic!! The puppies are now 4 weeks old and have started to eat mush food and they are still nursing. Bailee loves being a mom and has a hard time staying away from the puppies just to go outside and potty. We do have one male puppy available. Contact us for further details. Enjoy the photos and video.


Springer Litters!!

We have bred Alice X Dudley & Dixie x DJ we should find out the end of May beginning of June if they are pregnant. If so the puppies would come the first week of July. If you are interested in a puppy I suggest that you contact us soon.

Dudley & Alice


Dixie & DJ


Father's Day!

Father's Day is coming up soon, head over to our Training Store for gift Ideas!


We can help you achieve your goals with your spaniel; whether it be for pheasant shoots, the dove field, upland fields,

grouse woods or competition.

Let's Talk!


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